Introducing Amanda, Laura, and Mari-Clare to the STACS Reference Group: Strengthening Support for Primary Teachers

STACS is a teacher-led organisation dedicated to supporting educators in delivering Computing Science, championing their efforts, and advocating on their behalf. Most importantly, it is about working with the teacher community in Scotland.

To advance Computing Science, STACS recognise that the work undertaken in early years to P7 is crucial. Inspiring pupils, especially girls at a young age, is essential to establish a sustainable and robust tech talent pipeline for Scotland and to make significant strides in closing the gender gap.

There is incredible work happening in primary schools, and STACS is fully committed to supporting the delivery of Computing Science from the very beginning of the education pipeline. Teachers and pupils are at the heart of everything we do, and we are thrilled to introduce three new members to our STACS reference group: the exceptionally talented primary teachers Amanda Pickard, Laura Di Pasquale, and Mari-Clare Mitchell. They will bring their views, experience, and insights from a primary teacher’s perspective, steering the direction of STACS to ensure our actions and priorities align with the needs of primary teachers.

We work closely with the STACS reference group to identify the needs of the teachers on the ground and help shape STACS activities to support teachers delivering Computing Science. By working with Amanda, Laura, and Mari-Clare, we look forward to extending our support specifically for Computing Science at the primary level.


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