Speakers Wanted

STACS will be hosting a virtual event to bring together teachers with an interest in this area, to share ideas and showcase what has worked in their classrooms to help inspire more females into Computing Science.

Computing Science continues to face one of the largest gender gaps within STEM subjects at school. However, across classrooms, there are incredible primary and secondary teachers working hard to change this narrative.

Are you a primary or secondary educator who has had success in this area? No matter how small, we’d love to hear from you—sign up to be a speaker! Or, do you know a teacher doing great work in this space? Please recommend them as a speaker.

By continuing to build on the strong community of teachers delivering Computing Science, we can collaborate, learn from each other, and work to close the gender gap together.

You can sign up here.


Bring a STACS Connect event to your local area.


Introducing Amanda, Laura, and Mari-Clare to the STACS Reference Group: Strengthening Support for Primary Teachers